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荐读:用Hall-Petch发了一篇镁合金Scripta Mater?!

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今天给大家推荐的篇文章以题为“Influence of grain size and texture on Hall–Petch relationship for a magnesium alloy”发表在《scripta materialia》(影响因子3.747,在传统材料领域属于非常不错的期刊)。

荐读:用Hall-Petch发了一篇镁合金Scripta Mater?!


  • Friction stir processing was applied to a magnesium alloy to generate various grain sizes with same intense basal texture. Subsequent tensile deformation along two orthogonal directions by easy activation or inhibition of basal slip follows Hall-Petch relationship between yield stress and grain size in both directions. The Hall-Petch parameters are texture dependent. Easy activation of basal slip introduces lower values while inhibition of basal slip leads to higher values. The Hall-Petch parameters are interpreted by texture and microstructural factors.
  • 对镁合金进行摩擦搅拌处理,以获得具有不同晶粒尺寸、相同强度基面织构的组织。随后沿着两个垂直方向(易激活或抑制的基面滑移系)进行拉伸变形,发现屈服应力和两个方向上的晶粒尺寸遵循Hall-Petch关系。 Hall-Petch公式的参数与织构有关。易激活的基面滑移系的参数较小,而抑制基面滑移系的参数具有较高的值。Hall-Petch参数可通过织构和显微组织因素进行解释。


荐读:用Hall-Petch发了一篇镁合金Scripta Mater?!

荐读:用Hall-Petch发了一篇镁合金Scripta Mater?!

作者基于镁合金的搅拌摩擦焊这个热门的研究话题,进行基础研究发现了一些尚未研究的细节,得到”The Hall-Petch parameters are texture dependent”这一结论,具有一定的理论与实际意义的,这也算是一种创新吧。








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