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基础知识 mse_material 46242阅读 扫描二维码

第一章 绪论

metal: 金属

ceramic: 陶瓷

polymer: 聚合物

Composites: 复合材料

Semiconductors: 半导体

Biomaterials: 生物材料

Processing: 加工过程

Structure: 组织结构

Properties: 性质

Performance: 使用性能

Mechanical properties: 力学性能

Electrical properties: 电性能

Thermal behavior: 热性能

Magnetic properties: 磁性能

Optical properties: 光性能

Deteriorative characteristics: 老化特性

第二章 原子结构与原子键

Atomic mass unit (amu): 原子质量单位

Atomic number: 原子数

Atomic weight: 原子量

Bohr atomic model: 波尔原子模型

Bonding energy: 键能

Coulombic force: 库仑力

Covalent bond: 共价键

Dipole (electric): 偶极子

electronic configuration: 电子构型

electron state: 电位

Electronegative: 负电的

Electropositive: 正电的

Ground state: 基态

Hydrogen bond: 氢键

Ionic bond: 离子键

Isotope: 同位素

Metallic bond: 金属键

Mole: 摩尔

Molecule: 分子

Pauli exclusion principle: 泡利不相容原理

Periodic table: 元素周期表

Polar molecule: 极性分子

Primary bonding: 强键

Quantum mechanics: 量子力学

Quantum number: 量子数

Secondary bonding: 弱键

valence electron: 价电子

van der waals bond: 范德华键

Wave-mechanical model: 波粒二象性模型

第三章 金属与陶瓷的结构

Allotropy: 同素异形现象

Amorphous: 无定形

Anion: 阴离子

Anisotropy: 各向异性

atomic packing factor(APF): 原子堆积因数

body-centered cubic (BCC): 体心立方结构

Bragg’s law: 布拉格定律

Cation: 阳离子

coordination number: 配位数

crystal structure: 晶体结构

crystal system: 晶系

crystalline: 晶体的

diffraction: 衍射

face-centered cubic (FCC): 面心立方结构

第四章 晶体缺陷

Alloy: 合金

A metallic substance that is composed of two or more elements.


Weight percent (wt%):质量百分数

Concentration specification on the basis of weight (or mass) of a particular element relative to the total alloy weight (or mass).

Stoichiometry: 正常价化合物

For ionic compounds, the state of having exactly the ratio of cations to anions speci-fied by the chemical formula.


Imperfection: 缺陷,不完整性

A deviation from perfection; normally applied to crystalline materials wherein there is a deviation from atomic/molecular order and/or continuity.


Point defect: 点缺陷

A crystalline defect associated with one or, at most, several atomic sites.


Vacancy: 空位

A normally occupied lattice site from which an atom or ion is missing.


Vacancy diffusion: 空位扩散

The diffusion mechanism wherein net atomic migration is from lattice site to an adjacent vacancy.


Self-interstitial: 自间隙原子

A host atom or ion that is positioned on an interstitial lattice site.


Schottky defect: 肖脱基缺陷

In an ionic solid, a defect consisting of a cation–vacancy and anion–vacancy pair.


Atomic vibration:原子振动

The vibration of an atom about its normal position in a substance.


Substitutional solid solution: 置换固溶体

A solid solution wherein the solute atoms replace or substitute for the host atoms.


Interstitial diffusion: 间隙扩散

A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site.


Interstitial solid solution: 间隙固溶体

A solid solution wherein relatively small solute atoms occupy interstitial positions between the solvent or host atoms.


Solid solution: 固溶体

A homogeneous crystalline phase that contains two or more chemical species.

Both substitutional and interstitial solid solutions are possible.


Solid-solution strengthening: 固溶体强化

Hardening and strengthening of metals that result from alloying in which a solid solution is formed.

The presence of impurity atoms restricts dislocation mobility.


Solute: 溶质

One component or element of a solution present in a minor concentration.

It is dissolved in the solvent.


Solution heat treatment: 固溶处理,均匀化退火

The process used to form a solid solution by dissolving precipitate particles.

Often, the solid solution is supersaturated and metastable at ambient conditions as a result of rapid cooling from an elevated temperature.


Solvent: 溶剂

The component of a solution present in the greatest amount.

It is the component that dissolves a solute.


Burgers vector (b): 柏氏矢量

A vector that denotes the magnitude and direction of lattice distortion associated with a dislocation.表示位错引起晶格畸变程度和方向的矢量

Composition (Ci): 成分,组成

The relative content of a particular element or constituent (i)

within an alloy, usually expressed in weight percent or atom percent.


Defect structure: 缺陷结构,缺陷组态

Relating to the kinds and concentrations of vacancies and interstitials in a ceramic compound.


Dislocation: 位错

A linear crystalline defect around which there is atomic misalignment.


Plastic deformation corresponds to the motion of dislocations in response to an applied shear stress. Edge, screw, and mixed dislocations are possible.


Screw dislocation: 螺型位错

A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion created when normally parallel planes are joined together to form a helical ramp.

The Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line.



Mixed dislocation: 混合位错

A dislocation that has both edge and screw components.


Dislocation density: 位错密度

The total dislocation length per unit volume of material; alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section.


Dislocation line: 位错线

The line that extends along the end of the extra half-plane of atoms for an edge dislocation, and along the center of the spiral of a screw dislocation.


Edge dislocation:刃型位错

A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal.

The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.



Electroneutrality: 电中性

The state of having exactly the same numbers of positive and negative electrical charges (ionic and electronic), that is, of being electrically neutral.


Frenkel defect: 弗仑克尔缺陷

In an ionic solid, a cation–vacancy and cation–interstitial pair.


Grain: 晶粒

An individual crystal in a polycrystalline metal or ceramic.


Grain boundary: 晶界

The interface separating two adjoining grains having different crystallographic orientations.


Grain growth: 晶粒长大

The increase in average grain size of a polycrystalline material; for most materials, an elevated-temperature heat treatment is necessary.


Grain size: 晶粒尺寸

The average grain diameter as determined from a random cross section.


Microscopy: 显微术,显微镜学

The investigation of microstructural elements using some type of microscope.


Microstructure: 显微组织

The structural features of an alloy (e.g., grain and phase structure) that are subject to observation under a microscope.


Photomicrograph: 显微组织照片

The photograph made with a microscope, which records a microstructural image.


Scanning electron microscope: 扫描电子显微镜,SEM

A microscope that produces an image by using an electron beam that scans the surface of a specimen; an image is produced by Cu forms a substitutional solid solution for concentrations up to reflected electron beams.

Examination of surface and/or microstructural features at high magnifications is possible.


Scanning probe microscope: 扫描探针显微镜,SPM

A microscope that does not produce an image using light radiation. Rather, a very small and sharp probe raster scans across the specimen surface; out-of-surface plane deflections in response to electronic or other interactions with the probe are monitored, from which a topographical map of the specimen surface(on a nanometer scale) is produced.



Transmission electron microscope: 透射电子显微镜,TEM

A microscope that produces an image by using electron beams that are transmitted (pass through) the specimen.

Examination of internal features at high magnifications is possible.


第五章 扩散

Diffusion: 扩散

Mass transport by atomic motion.



Diffusion flux (J): 扩散通量

The quantity of mass diffusing through and perpendicular to a unit cross-sectional area of material per unit time.


Diffusion coefficient (D): 扩散系数

The constant of proportionality between the diffusion flux and the concentration gradient in Fick’s first law.

Its magnitude is indicative of the rate of atomic diffusion.


Fick’s first law: 菲克第一定律,扩散第一定律

The diffusion flux is proportional to the concentration gradient.

This relationship is employed for steady-state diffusion situations.


Fick’s second law: 菲克第二定律,扩散第二定律

The time rate of change of concentration is proportional to the

second derivative of concentration.

This relationship is employed in non steady-state diffusion situations.


Steady-state diffusion: 稳定态扩散

The diffusion condition for which there is no net accumulation or depletion of diffusing species.

The diffusion flux is independent of time.


Nonsteady-state diffusion: 非稳定态扩散

The diffusion condition for which there is some net accumulation or depletion of diffusing species.

The diffusion flux is dependent on time.


Self-diffusion: 自扩散

Atomic migration in pure metals.


Interstitial diffusion: 间隙扩散

A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site.


Vacancy diffusion: 空位扩散

The diffusion mechanism wherein net atomic migration is from lattice site to an adjacent vacancy.


Activation energy (Q): 激活能,Q

The energy required to initiate a reaction, such as diffusion.


Carburizing: 渗碳

The process by which the surface carbon concentration of a ferrous alloy is increased by diffusion from the surrounding environment.


Component: 组分

A chemical constituent (element or compound) of an alloy, which may be used to specify its composition.


Composition (Ci), Concentration: 成分,Ci

The relative content of a particular element or constituent (i)

within an alloy, usually expressed in weight percent or atom percent. Also call it concentration.


Concentration gradient (dC/dx): 浓度梯度,

The slope of the concentration profile at a specific position.


Concentration profile: 浓度曲线

The curve that results when the concentration of a chemical species is plotted versus position in a material.


Interdiffusion, impurity diffusion: 互扩散

Diffusion of atoms of one metal into another metal.


第六章 力学性能

Anelasticity: 滞弹性
In most engineering materials, elastic deformation will continue after the stress application, and upon load release some finite time is required for complete recovery.

This time dependent elastic behavior is known as anelasticity.

Design stress: 设计应力
For static situations and when ductile materials are used, design stress, σd, is taken as the calculated stress level σc (on the basis of the estimated maximum load) multiplied by a design factor, N’, that is σd= N’σc, where N’ is greater than unity.
对于静态条件以及延展性材料的情况下,设计应力σd是计算的应力σc(即估算的最大载荷)乘以一个设计因子N’,即σd= N’σc,其中N’大于1。
Ductility: 延伸度
Ductility is a measure of the degree of plastic deformation that has been sustained at fracture.
Elastic deformation: 弹性形变
Deformation in which stress and strain are proportional is called elastic deformation. Elastic deformation is nonpermanent, which means that when the applied load is released, the piece returns to its original shape.
Elastic recovery:弹性回复
Elastic recovery means that when the applied load is released, the piece returns to its original shape.
Elastomer: 弹性体

Elastomer is a class of polymers whose deformation displayed by strain-stress curve is totally elastic, i.e., large recoverable strains produced at low stress levels.

Engineering strain: 工程应变

Engineering strain ε is defined according to ε = (li-l0)/l0 = Δl/l0, in which l0 is the original length before any load is applied, and li is the instantaneous length. Sometimes the quantity li-l0 is denoted as Δl, and is the deformation elongation or change in length at some instant, as referenced to the original length. Engineering strain is unitless.
工程应变ε由方程ε = (li-l0)/l0 = Δl/l0定义,这里l0是样品加载前的初始长度,li是加载瞬间的长度,有时li-l0也用Δl来表示,即代表与初始长度相比较,某一时刻样品形变的延长率或长度的变化。工程应变是没有单位的。
Engineering stress: 工程应力
Engineering stress σ is defined by the relationship σ = F/A0, in which F is the instantaneous load applied perpendicular to the specimen cross section, in units of newtons (N), and A0 is the original cross-sectional area before any load is applied (m2). The units of engineering stress are megapascals, MPa.
工程应力σ的定义为σ = F/A0,这里F是加载在垂直样品横截面的瞬间载荷,单位为牛顿,A0是加载前样品的初始横截面积(单位m2),工程应力单位为MPa。
Flexural strength: 抗弯强度
For the brittle ceramic materials, flexural strengths are determined by the stress at fracture in transverse bending tests.
Hardness: 硬度
Hardness is a measure of the resistance to localize plastic deformation.
Modulus of elasticity: 弹性模量
For most metals that are stressed in tension and at relatively low levels, stress and strain are proportional to each other through the relationship σ = Eε. This is known as Hooke’s law, and the constant of proportionality E (GPa) is the modulus of elasticity, or Young’s modulus.
大多数金属在较低的拉力作用下,应力和应变成正比关系,可表达为σ = Eε,这就是胡克定理,比例常数E(GPa)就是弹性模量,或杨氏模量。
Plastic deformation: 塑性形变
As the material is deformed beyond the strain that elastic deformation persists, the stress is no longer proportional tostrain, and permanent, nonrecoverable, or plastic deformation occurs.
Poisson’s ratio: 泊松比
Poisson’s ratio represents the negative ratio of transverse and longitudinal strains.
Proportional limit: 比例极限For metals that experience the gradual elasticplastic transition, the point of yielding is determined as the initial departure from linearity of the stressstrain curve and this is sometimes called the proportional limit.

Resilience: 弹性
Resilience is the capacity of a material to absorb energy during elastic deformation.
Safe stress: 安全应力
Safe stress is based on the yielding strength of the material and is defined as the yield strength divided by a factor of safety, N, or σw=σy/N.
Tensile strength: 抗拉强度

Tensile strength corresponds to the maximum tensile stress that may be sustained by a specimen.
Toughness: 韧性
Toughness is a measure of the ability of a material to absorb energy up to fracture.
True strain: 真应变
True stain εT is defined by εT=ln(li/l0), in which l0 is the original length before any load is applied, and li is the instantaneous length.
True stress: 真应力
True stress σT is defined as the load F divided by the instantaneous cross-sectional area Ai over which deformation is occurring, or σT = F/Ai.Yielding: 屈服
For metals, the phenomenon of yielding occurs at the onset of plastic or permanent deformation.
Yield strength: 屈服强度
Yielding strength is indicative of the stress at which plastic deformation begins.

第七章 形变和强化机理

Cold working: 冷加工、冷变形
The plastic deformation of a metal at a temperature below that at which it recrystallizes.
Critical resolved shear stress( crss): 临界剪切分切应力
That shear stress, resolved within a slip plane and direction, which is required to initiate slip.
Dislocation density: 位错密度
The total dislocation length per unit volume of material; alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section.
Grain growth: 晶粒长大
The increase in average grain size of a polycrystalline material; for most materials, an elevated-temperature heat treatment is necessary.
Lattice strains: 晶格应变
Slight displacements of atoms relative to their normal lattice positions, normally imposed by crystalline defects such as dislocations, and interstitial and impurity atoms.
Recovery: 回复
The relief of some of the internal strain energy of a previously cold-worked metal, usually by heat treatment.
Recrystallization: 再结晶

The formation of a new set of strain-free grains within a previously cold-worked material; normally an annealing heat treatment is necessary.
Recrystallization temperature: 再结晶温度
For a particular alloy, the minimum temperature at which complete recrystallization will occur within approximately one hour.
Resolved shear stress: 分切应力
An applied tensile or compressive stress resolved into a shear component along a specific plane and direction within that plane.
Slip: 滑移
Plastic deformation as the result of dislocation motion; also, the shear displacement of two adjacent planes of atoms.
Slip system: 滑移系
The combination of a crystallographic plane and, within that plane, a crystallographic direction along which slip (i.e., dislocation motion) occurs.
Solid-solution strengthening: 固溶强化
Hardening and strengthening of metals that result from alloying in which a solid solution is formed.
The presence of impurity atoms restricts dislocation mobility.
Strain hardening: 加工硬化

The increase in hardness and strength of a ductile metal as it is plastically deformed below its recrystallization temperature.
Viscosity (): 粘性
The ratio of the magnitude of an applied shear stress to the velocity gradient that it produces; that is, a measure of a noncrystalline material’s resistance to permanent deformation.

Vulcanization: 硫化
Nonreversible chemical reaction involving sulfur or other suitable agent wherein cross links are formed between molecular chains in rubber materials.

第八章 失效

Ductile fracture. A mode of fracture that is attended by extensive gross plastic deformation.


Brittle fracture. Fracture that occurs by rapid crack propagation and without appreciable macroscopic deformation.


Transgranular fracture. Fracture of polycrystalline materials by crack propagation through the grains.


Intergranular fracture. Fracture of polycrystalline materials by crack propagation along grain boundaries.


Fracture mechanics. A technique of fracture analysis used to determine the stress level at which preexisting cracks of known size will propagate, leading to fracture.


Stress raiser. A small flaw (internal or surface) or a structural discontinuity at which an applied tensile stress will be amplified and from which cracks may propagate.


Fracture toughness (Kc). Critical value of the stress intensity factor for which crack extension occurs.


Plane strain. The condition, important in fracture mechanical analyses, wherein, for tensile loading, there is zero strain in a direction perpendicular to both the stress axis and the direction of crack propagation; this condition is found in thick plates, and the zero-strain direction is perpendicular to the plate surface.


Plane strain fracture toughness (KIc). The critical value of the stress intensity factor (i.e., at which crack propagation occurs) for the condition of plane strain.


Charpy test. One of two tests (see also Izod test) that may be used to measure the impact energy or notch toughness of a standard notched specimen. An impact blow is imparted to the specimen by means of a weighted pendulum.

却贝/摆锤式[单梁]冲击实验:两种用于测量标准缺口试件冲击功或缺口韧性实验的一种(另一种见Izod test)。通过重摆锤给试件施加冲击。

Izod test. One of two tests (see also Charpy test) that may be used to measure the impact energy of a standard notched specimen. An impact blow is imparted to the specimen by a weighted pendulum.

悬臂梁式冲击实验:两种用于测量标准缺口试件冲击功实验的一种(另一种见Charpy test)。通过重摆锤给试件施加冲击。

Impact energy (notch toughness). A measure of the energy absorbed during the fracture of a specimen of standard dimensions and geometry when subjected to very rapid (impact) loading. Charpy and Izod impact tests are used to measure this parameter, which is important in assessing the ductile-to- brittle transition behavior of a material.


Ductile-to-brittle transition. The transition from ductile to brittle behavior with a decrease in temperature exhibited by BCC alloys; the temperature range over which the transition occurs is determined by Charpy and Izod impact tests.


Fatigue limit. For fatigue, the maximum stress amplitude level below which a material can endure an essentially infinite number of stress cycles and not fail.


Fatigue strength. The maximum stress level that a material can sustain, without failing, for some specified number of cycles.


Case hardening. Hardening of the outer surface (or ‘‘case’’) of a steel component by a carburizing or nitriding process; used to improve wear and fatigue resistance.

表面硬化:通过渗碳或渗氮方法使钢件的外表面或“表面”硬化,用于改善耐磨性和抗疲劳性。Creep. The time-dependent permanent deformation that occurs under stress; for most materials it is important only at elevated temperatures. 蠕变:承受应力时依赖于时间发生的永久性变形,对大多数材料而言只在高温下重要。Corrosion fatigue. A type of failure that results from the simultaneous action of a cyclic stress and chemical attack.腐蚀疲劳:由循环应力和化学腐蚀同时作用导致的一类失效。Fatigue. Failure, at relatively low stress levels, of structures that are subjected to fluctuating and cyclic stresses.疲劳:在相对低的应力水平下,承受交变和循环应力结构的失效。

Fatigue life (Nf ). The total number of stress cycles that will cause a fatigue failure at some specified stress amplitude.

疲劳寿命(Nf ):在某一指定应力幅值下,引起疲劳失效的应力循环总数。

Stress intensity factor (K). A factor used in fracture mechanics to specify the stress intensity at the tip of a crack.


Thermal fatigue. A type of fatigue failure wherein the cyclic stresses are introduced by fluctuating thermal stresses.


第九章 相图


Austenite: 奥氏体


Cementite: 渗碳体


Component: 组元


Congruent transformation: 无成分变化转变


Equilibrium (Phase): 平衡(相)


Eutectic structure: 共晶结构

具有共晶成分的液体凝固得到的两相显微结构(组织) 。

Eutectic phase: 共晶相


Eutectic reaction: 共晶反应


Eutectoid reaction: 共析反应


Ferrite: 铁素体


Free energy: 自由能


Gibbs phase rule: 吉布斯相律


Hypereutectoid alloy: 过共析合金


Hypoeutectoid alloy: 亚共析合金


Intermediate solid solution: 中间固溶体


Intermetallic compound: 金属间化合物


Invariant point: 三相点


Isomorphous: 同晶形


Lever rule: 杠杆规则


Liquidus line: 液相线


Metastable: 亚稳


Microconstituent: 微组元


Pearlite: 珠光体


Peritectic reaction: 包晶反应


Phase: 相


Phase diagram: 相图


Primary phase: 初晶相


Proeutectoid cementite: 先共析渗碳体


Proeutectoid ferrite: 先共析铁素体


Solidus line: 固相线


Solubility limit: 溶解度


Solvus line: 固溶相线


System: 体系

有两种可能的含意:(1)所研究的对象既指定材料 (2) 由相同组元组成的一系列可存在的合金。

Terminal solid solution: 端部固溶体


Tie line: 结线



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